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  • #1141240

    Hello. When I view any pages from the virtual tours section of this website it is only displaying the header and footer of the page when you look at it on a tablet.

    Here is a sample link of one of the pages it is doing it on.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by ryane2222.

    Hey ryane2222,

    Are you using a specific software for the Virtual Tours? Does it work for mobile?

    Best regards,


    Just advanced layer slider :( and masonry gallery (none which will display on iPAD tablets)


    I provided my credentials if you want to login and check it out.



    I am not finding the issue.
    Allow us some more time for this please.

    Best regards,


    When you open the lightbox images on MAC the mobile superfly menu seems to be on top of the lightbox image, too. Do you know how I can fix this?


    Hi ryane2222,

    Can you disable caching and minification, for now, clear the cache and see if the issue persists?

    Best regards,

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