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  • #1201656

    Hi support!
    One website using Enfold theme will be handed over to a new webmaster. I still maintain several websites running Enfold, so I still need access to your neat support forum.
    I cannot find out which purchase code I used years ago to register here for an account on So I’d like to free up the code used on the site to be handed over and exchange it for another purchase code I use on another website.

    Could you please help me out here?! German is possible too ;-)

    Thanks a lot!


    Hey Thomas,

    You can check your purchase code on the registration page, if you can’t register with it then that means you have used it already.

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard!

    Thx for your reply. So I checked if I can register with the purchase code, but the one associated with the website to be handed over is in use. This is because the Enfold theme on this website was the first one that I purchased. So is there a way for you to connect/exchange one of my other purchase codes with my (this) account of mine?
    The reason is quite simple. I’ve been the webmaster of this organisation for around eight years. The Enfold theme used here is actually owned by this organisation and a new webmaster is taking over. But I use Enfold on another two projects that are more or less private. So what is your suggestion to me to solve this problem? I don’t really think it would be elegant to ask the organisation to delete the original purchase code and me giving them one of my other two codes. Also I would have to get this solved with the Envato API keys somehow, as the one used on this website is connected to exact this purchase code – at least I guess that.

    So I hope you understand my situation and can give me further advise what would be the best way to solve this. If you need more informations please let me know.

    Best regards


    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for the update and sorry for the late reply. What if you register again on the support forum with one of your other purchase codes, then we edit your current user account and hand that over to your customer?

    You can create individual tokens for each of your site over at Envato, please refer to this if you need documentation:

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard!

    Thank you for this suggestion. This will help me out. So I tried to register with another Enfold purchase code. This would work, but I’d have to change my username and my email address.

    Could you please edit user and email of my current account. After that I will register again with the same user and email address that I use now. Is this possible this way?

    Thanks a lot in advance and sorry for this!

    Best regards


    Hi Thomas,

    I’m sending this reply before I edit your current user, so that you will get a notification. After I’ve edited your account then the notification will go to the new email.

    Edit: you might have to pick another user name, since that can’t be edited on your old account.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Rikard.

    Hi again,

    I’ve updated the account now, the only thing which will remain the same is the user name of the account which cannot be changed. The user name will update on the front end though. Your client can login with the email you provided and the password in private.

    Best regards,

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