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  • #1475755

    I’ve upgraded Enfold on that site ( from version 5.6.8 to 6.0.9
    It works but I have that error remained and i don’t know what to do with it.
    Anyone to give me a hand on that one please ?


    what is this matomo script for? that is the console error warning – maybe deactivate it – and refresh all cache and merging after that and have a look.

    fopen warning : maybe a caching problem – do you have a caching tool working – i can see Comet Cache – maybe try to deactivate that too- and see.

    by the way where is this /volume4/web/ directory ? Warning is : no permission to that directory …

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Guenni007.


    Please make sure that you have turned off debugging on the front end of your site:

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, Rikard,
    1. Matomo is a G.A alternative
    2. Yes Comet cache is installed, I’ve disabled it but nothing changed
    3. /volume4/web/ is the path on my own Synology NAS server I use to start hosting little websites like this one. This might be part of the problem. Somes times and in a ramdomly manner I have that kind of issues with go/nogo permissions directories, I change them back and forth with filezilla in order to make things to work.
    4. Good call Rickard, thx for this reminder, I’m not a developer so I don’t have the right reflexes yet. Since I wrote the WP_debug rules, all the errors flushed away… I didn’t do anything but writting these rules but the whole site now looks ok.
    Wow… I’m not gonna digg deeper than that.
    Thanks guys for both of your inputs and tips


    Errors don’t show up on the front any more but there are still there.
    I’ve gathered a few of them recorded in the following file. (PM)
    If that speaks to you, tell me please what to do and i’ll try to debug…



    Thanks for that. The log you sent only seems to contain notices and warnings, they are not actual errors and should not cause any problems on your site. The files referenced seems to be style sheets, so toggling the file compression options under Enfold->Performance might help. You could also try to activate or toggle the option to delete old CSS and JS files on the same page.

    Best regards,


    aaah…. interesting.
    Sounds like it’s a good news if there are no errors but only warnings.
    Thank you Rickard for your feedback, I’m going to try to optimize the parameters…
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