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  • #27635

    Hi guys,

    after closing the thread below

    I just found out that what breaks Lightbox on my site was W3 Total Cache.

    I deactivated all plugins, then reactivated them one by one until I ran into W3 Total Cache which prevented the lightbox galleries from working on the site.

    Now the site works fine, but I can’t use W3. Do you have any suggestions or a fix for that?




    Hi Antonio,

    You can try using WP Super Cache but my guess is that it was just the way you had w3tc configured and not the plugin itself. So you can try altering your configuration or just try out WP SuperCache.




    Hi Devin,

    thanks for the tip, I’ll try that out.

    As for W3TC, Nick installed it for me and I haven’t done any configuration, for I don’t know how to use that. Could you point me to the right direction? I mean how does a non techy knows or learns how to configure something like W3TC correctly?

    Thanks for the advice.



    I don’t think Nick would set it up incorrectly which leads me to believe it may not actually be a w3tc issue. You may want to try re-enabling w3tc but then clearing the cache for it.

    Then disabling all other plugins besides w3tc and clear the cache again. Now check to see if the lightbox works again. If it does, it could be a conflict with another plugin and w3tc instead of w3tc itself.

    I don’t have any resources for w3tc at the moment but I’m betting a google search would turn up some tutorials.


    I followed your suggestions, Devin and deactivated all plugins but W3TC. Yet it seems it’s exactly W3TC that breaks lightbox, since they don’t work even with only this plugin enabled. When I deactivate W3TC, the lightbox get back in perfect functionality.

    I then went back to deactivating W3TC and reactivating all the other plugins…at least the site works…




    here is a great tutorial on setting up W3TC properly. Works like a charme after i followed these instructions:

    Hope this is of some help,




    @mirzepapa: Thanks for this. Really helpful.




    great, now it works for me as well, finally!



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