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  • #1444945

    Hi there,

    I’ve updated to the latest version (5.7.1), but somehow my visual editor isn’t working. I’m not using any plugins


    Hey jaapveenstra,

    Thanks for the login details. I checked your front page, and the layout builder seems to be working as expected there. How can we reproduce the problem you are seeing on your end?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 months ago by Rikard.

    The front works fine. But when I edit a page the visual builder doesn’t work. The html works

    Jaap Veenstra



    I tried to edit a few other pages and they seem to be working as expected as well. Please provide us with step by step instructions on how to reproduce the problem that you are seeing on your end.

    Best regards,


    Strange, mine is not working yet…
    What I do is this:
    – edit page (advanced editor)
    – click on the section to edit
    – the HTML editor works fine, but I don’t see the visual text

    For example:



    Thanks for the clarification. What happens if you change your site and WordPress URL to https on the page in private?

    Best regards,


    Nothing… Can I send you some screenshots?


    I have a similar problem. A few days ago I lost both the Gutenberg editor and my advance editor. I have switched off all plugins and have the latest version of Enfold, but still cannot see any of the editors.
    No visual editor


    I have a very similar issue. I am experiencing the same odd behavior on the admin of my page. I have a page where I have a simple mix of content, ie: photos and supporting text. The page I am building is at a mid point—not finished yet because to the issues I am having.

    In short, when I edit the page, then go to either of the text blocks, I cannot see any of the text to edit it. The text shows on the front end. But on the back end all I see is the placeholder text, “Click here to add your own text.”

    To be clear, I already added text to these two blocks, but when I return to the backend to edit that text, all I see is: “Click here to add your own text.” This is true of the Visual Editor and the Text Editor.

    I have cleared browser cache. The site does flow through Cloudflare, but I have cleared those caches as well. I have tried several different browsers, Safari and Chrome. All plugins have been disabled. No steps that I have taken allow me to see, and subsequently edit this text.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by billbasler.

    Hi jaapveenstra,

    Yes, you can upload screenshot to a service like Google Drive, Dropbox, Imgur, Snipboard or similar, then link to them here.

    Everyone who is not @jaapveenstra, please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    Hereby (private content) the screenshots



    Thanks for that. I’m not sure exactly what the problem is on your site, so we would have to start with the obvious problems. Not having an SSL certificate would be one of them, please set one up via your hosting provider, then change your website URL and location to https on the page that I previously linked to.

    Also, editing text blocks seems to be working as expected on your front page. On which page can we find the elements in your screenshots?

    Best regards,


    I do have a SSL certificate.
    The screenshots are from the page ‘Bestuur’



    Thanks for the update, then you should change the URLs on the page in private to https as well. There is no point in having plain http URLs there.

    Best regards,

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