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  • #512003

    I’m not sure which update of wordpress introduced these problems but recently i’m having a hard time posting new blog posts because the visual editor seems to be messing with the final post. The only solution has been so far to enable debug mode and edit the stuff manually by removing the [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color=''] tag elements. When not removing the only thing shown on the overview page is the title and a read more link like so:
    Image 1

    Also when opening the article this happens to the title:
    Image 2

    I’ll leave the latest post like this so you can see the error for yourself.

    Could you assist me in solving this please?



    Please post a link to the Blog page, have you tried setting a custom excerpt in each Post?



    This is the posts page:
    This is the a new post where the error happens:
    This is one where I manually removed the mentioned shortcode and it’s working again:

    I have not set any custom excerpt on any of those.



    I see that you have used the Avia Layout Builder for this post: Die rollende Bulli-Bar für Somersby endlich auf der Straße – Teil 2. That is why the except is not showing up on your blog page, you will have to add it manually in the Excerpt field. If you cannot see that field then please click Screen Options in the top right hand corner of the edit screen and select to show it there.



    I have always used the layout builder and never had to do this. Also this does not explain what happens to the heading for the post. As mentioned before everything works perfectly once i remove the shortcode for the textblock manually.



    This has been the default behaviour ever since we enable the advance layout builder for posts. If you switch to ALB, all default post elements will be removed including the post title, post meta info etc. You will be able to build the post content from scratch. Also, you have to add a summary in the Excerpt box in order to show an excerpt in the blog overview page.



    Ok let me try to explain again as i think we might not be on the same page yet.

    When the textblock shortcode is present in the article it looks like this:
    No article text in overview and heading broken
    No article text in overview and heading broken in detail view because it appears in the breadcrumb navigation

    When i remove the textblock shortcode it looks correct and shows like this:

    This is how it’s been working all the time until recently. So what happens to the heading? This must be some kind of error. Also notice that there is no excerpt added and still the full article is showing in the blog view. I hope this explains it more clearly.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Willyyr. Reason: spelling


    I’m not sure why that is happening but the “error” you are getting is the way it’s supposed to work. When you save a post with the ALB you will not get the regular post elements like sharing, post meta, excerpt ect. You will have to add all those elements manually to the post. You can get round this though by using the default editor and adding builder elements with the Magic Wand tool instead: – last icon the top row.

    Best regards,


    Ok i finally get it. It seems our editor used the exact same method you just described using the Magic Wand tool. I assumed he has been using the layout builder all the time. Apologies and thanks for your patience. This can be marked as resolved now.

    Thanks again.

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