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  • #766790

    When I add the iframe embed code the auto play works but I get bars at the top and bottom. When I enter the vimeo url it works but no autoplay.

    Is there now way to use the short code with autoplay?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by jungleboy.

    Hey jungleboy,

    This link should help you:

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    I’ll give it a shot John, but I’ve already tried that and I get black bars on top and bottom as I previously showed you.



    Maybe the better way to phrase the support question is how to I get AUTOPLAY without the BLACK BARS? Tried it in chrome, explorer, and firefox…same issue.,


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by jungleboy.


    That is not possible at all I think. Hidding completly the UI bars might require a different way of including the video which right now we do not support.
    Also – if you hide the bars, how users will control if they want to see or not?
    Not so user friendly also.

    Best regards,


    Basilis, While I appreciate the prompt response, I think you misread the post. “user friendly?” I’m not talking about hindering the user from stopping or playing the video by hiding the control bars….

    See dropbox pic below


    Anyone going to respond?



    this is controlled by Vimeo itself, so you need to talk with their support team about this.

    Best regards,


    Andy, You and vimeo are pointing fingers at each other and I’m left holding the bag.

    From Vimeo:
    I just tested your video on our test page and it embeds correctly using our iframe code. See here:

    Therefore those black bars (often referred to as “pillarboxes” or “pillarbars”) look to be related to your WordPress theme or the responsive CSS you are using.

    As the video is embedding correctly on our end we are unable to provide technical support for WordPress themes. I suggest you reach out to your WordPress theme provider to see if they have a suggestion for fixing this issue.

    I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help in this regard, but please let me know if you have any further questions!
    Nicole B.

    Andy, Please don’t take the easy way out. It’s easy to say it’s vimeo…. help me fix this or find someone with the knowledge who can.


    Any ideas?



    I checked again and the black bars are gone:

    Could you fix it?

    Best regards,


    Yes, they’re gone because I sized the video down. You guys are taking a long time to respond to support tickets. See the private area for an example of the problem.



    try this code inside Quick CSS field:

    iframe {
    height: 517px;

    and adjust if needed.

    Best regards,


    Andy, What is the quick css field? Thanks for the help? Is this going to allow me to have the video at 1920×1080 and autoplay? If I use the shortcode I can make the black bars go away, but when I insert the iframe code provided by vimeo it allows autoplay but causes black bars.

    Just trying to make sure you understand my problem….again…thanks for your help.



    inside your backend go to Enfold->General Styling->Quick CSS
    and insert the code inside of this field.

    This code will just take care for the video’s height.

    Best regards,


    Did not work.


    I give up…don’t worry about it… almost out of support time anyway…. I’ll find another theme.



    Please, I can change the iframe`s height to you, just share your WP credentials.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Send me an email and I’ll set you up as an admin.


    Nevermind…. Thanks

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by jungleboy.


    please use “Private Content” field here, to share your WP credentials with us, if still needed.

    Best regards,


    Andy, the problem hasn’t been solved yet.



    You can add any random email address and just post the credentials here ( as we can not other way see them ).
    You can add email (Email address hidden if logged out) but we will still need the access here as private content please

    Best regards,


    You may also wish to use Fullwidth Easy Slider to show your Vimeo… supports autoplay. However, it is full screen…. no black bars….


    Thank you goldengate415. That worked perfectly!!!

    Thanks to everyone else who tried. This was very frustrating.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by jungleboy.

    That did fix it, the only problem is the video is HUGE!! LOL!

    Hey staff, let’s try to resolve this. I will leave this page alone.

    If the resolution is 640×360, no problem. It autoplays, no bars. Once I change the size, I get black bars.

    Thanks in advance.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by jungleboy.


    I checked the websites you’ve provided and you can still use the solution I already provided to you:

    iframe {
    height: 517px;
    width: 400px;

    Adjust height and width as needed.

    If you want a solution for different screen sizes, the you need to add media queries to my code. Something like this:

    @media only screen
      and (max-width: 736px) {
    iframe {
    height: 517px;
    width: 400px;

    For more information about media queries:

    Best regards,

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