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  • #403397

    there are two ways to make it even responsive:
    create a layerslider with no background images (all layers are with no background – only pngs etc.)
    create a page with colored section (set up a selfhosted video file or put in a youtube or vimeo video) and put into it a text area with the shortcode of that layerslider

    this is than a slider with one complete background video

    create a layerslider with embed videolayer on lowest layer (i guess only selfhosted will work)

    Do not forget after inserting it to change height and width values to 100%

    goto quick css and set up:

        left: 0 !important;
    you can set up the layerslider options to no stopping on playing the film – than the slides don’t wait on background video stop

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Guenni007.

    Hey Guenter!

    Thanks for taking the time to write this :)



    What were the slider settings, original video dimensions used etc, please. Thanks!


    On Method 1 ( one background video for the whole slider – every slide with the same background video )
    There you set up the video background on the color section options.
    And set the video hight to custom pixel value (in my case because the transparent slideshow has a hight of 470px – i choosed that one)

    on Method 2 ( each slide of the advanced layer slider has its own videobackground)
    you set up your layerslider like you want. The videobackground layer has to be the lowest layer (the one on top is the lowest Layer)
    On embedding the video the plugin put first the real dimensions of your video – but on changing it to 100% each (width and hights) it will than fit to your slideshow. It is best that every transition of the videobackground layer is set to nothing and on Styles there are no margins or paddings set.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Guenni007.


    Thank you for the info. :)


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