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  • #416737

    I read that this topic is forwarded to Krisi in Jan 15…
    Any chance that it’s ready?
    I need to show a poster for a self hosted mp4 file – it’s front page…. so pretty empty without!


    Hi Peter!

    I’m not sure I understand. Can you take a screenshot and highlight what your trying to do? Or send us a link to the post your referring to.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.

    Ahhh Sorry something got lost!
    I found a topic about adding a video poster to a self hostet video (.mp4) but the topic concluded that the request was forwarded to Kriesi (Jan 2015)
    So I was hoping that the function was finished by now… The internet is turning into a full blown video :-)
    When using the video in AVIA drag & drop – it do not show anything except a player and a start button?



    Are you trying to host an MP4 video and have it play on your site? If so then yes you can use our video shortcode for this. Just click on the “Insert Video” button when editing your shortcode and upload the video like you normally do with images.



    Hi Elliott
    Yes … And when I do the screen where the video is turns white (transparent because there are NO “first frame from the video itself”) I want to add my own picture for this video – or rather HAVE TO … It’s called a “poster” … an intro picture to the video that makes the video play when you click it :-)



    Oh I see what you mean now. You can do this with youtube like so, https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/72431?hl=en. It’s also possible with the mediaelement.js script which is what we use for self hosted video but I don’t think we have an option setup for this yet.

    We’ll see if we can get something worked out in a future update but in the meantime I would consider just using our image element and then have the video play in a magnific popup.



    Sorry for the thread necromancy, but I needed this functionality for one of my sites as well, so I threw together a quick modification to the video shortcode, in enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/video.php, which adds a media library picker for the ‘poster’ image, and adds the poster to the html5 video tag that gets generated. Diff is below (vs enfold v3.2), and here is a dropbox link to the modified video.php file:

    video.php on dropbox

    > array(
    > “name” => __(“Poster Image”,’avia_framework’),
    > “desc” => __(“Enter URL of image to use as placeholder before video starts.”, ‘avia_framework’),
    > “id” => “poster”,
    > “type” => “image”,
    > “title” => __(“Insert Image”,’avia_framework’ ),
    > “button” => __(“Insert”,’avia_framework’ ),
    > “std” => “”),
    < extract(shortcode_atts(array(‘src’ => ”, ‘src_1’ => ”, ‘src_2’ => ”, ‘autoplay’ => ”, ‘format’ => ”, ‘height’=>’9’, ‘width’=>’16’), $atts, $this->config[‘shortcode’]));

    > extract(shortcode_atts(array(‘src’ => ”, ‘src_1’ => ”, ‘src_2’ => ”, ‘autoplay’ => ”, ‘format’ => ”, ‘height’=>’9’, ‘width’=>’16’, ‘poster’=>”), $atts, $this->config[‘shortcode’]));
    < $output = avia_html5_video_embed($src);

    > $output = avia_html5_video_embed($src,”poster=’$poster'”);`

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Josh McKee.
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