Hi, i have just published this site with enfold theme: https://www.corniano.it/ . As you can see the video backrgroung works on desktop version but not on mobile one (where i have set the image background). My customer needs the video showing on mobile too. As this example: https://panificiozorzi.com/ that works both on desktop and mobile with autoplay. Can you solve the issue? I will add in private content the admin credential.
Thanks a lot
Hey sutiboz,
The problem is that we do not support the video to work on mobile, but rather load fall back images.
That does help to have a correct view, as the result depends with the case.
Best regards,
Hi Basilis, why this site https://panificiozorzi.com/ video works on mobile? It is not possible that a theme like enfold does not do the same.
Please explain how to solve, if the above mentioned site works mine should do the same.
I installed plugin Smart Silder 3 pro and video works like a charm with Enfold on mobile:
Hi goldengate415,
Thank you for your input.
@sutiboz you can try using Layer Slider or video element on mobile instead.
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,