I’m working on a website where I’d like to have a video on the homepage the same width as the portfolio-grid I used on https://lauradanique.com/work/.
I’ve tried Featured Video plugin to insert the video as a portfolio item, unfortunately the video is not playing or playing with sound.
When I set “[video width="100%" height="auto" mp4="https://xxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/xxx.mp4"][/video]” the video is still off screen, 1370px width looks good on larger screens but the mobile menu overlays the video on smaller screens.
Can anyone help me out?
Hey Dave,
Thank you for the inquiry.
unfortunately the video is not playing or playing with sound.
This is because of the browsers’ autoplay policy. Autoplay is only allowed when the video is muted, or when the active visitor previously played the video and play it with sound or when the users’ Media Engagement Index threshold has been crossed. Please check the link below for more info about the policy.
// https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes
Best regards,