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  • #416362

    Hi! What is the best way to incorporate video content so that it will show on mobile devices ?

    Also is there a way to have a fall back slideshow instead of a single image ?



    Hi Paul!

    1. Videos will be available on mobile devices by default, or maybe I’m missing your point?

    2. Sorry, I might be missing your point here too, do you want a slideshow fallback for a single image or the other way around?

    Please provide us with a link to the site in question if you are having any problems.



    Hi Rikard!

    I often use a easy slider to easily get the size i want of the video content, but maybe i’m going about this all wrong ?

    See example here

    When i implement videos with the use of easy slider it doesn’t work on mobile units and requires a fall back image. (i was wondering instead of using a single fallback image it would be practical to have a slideshow of images instead)

    But as i said maybe I’m doing this all wrong, i often want to incorporate videos hosted on Vimeo, but i want to control the size of the video.

    Which is the best way to embed vimeo files ?




    You can add the video code from vimeo manually, use a code or text block, or use the Video element.

    <iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">THE REINVENTION OF NORMAL</a> from <a href="">Liam Saint-Pierre</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>

    If you want it to be a video slider, try the Content Slider.



    Thanx! Will try that!



    Please keep us posted on how you do with this, please get back to us if you should have any problems.

    Best regards,


    Thanx! I used the video module and it works well for when i only have a single video.

    It’s where i want to mix stills and video in a slideshow mobil playback isn’t supported ?


    I am trying to display a big full width video at the top of my website 100% no padding. I have tried embeds, full width color box, etc. and there is always padding unless I use the full width slider.. If I use the slide it works great filling out the entire section but, then it won’t play on mobile – I need it to play on mobile.. Any idea how to get rid of extra padding and display Vimeo video like this?


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by lanelee.

    Hi Lane

    You can place your video element inside a color section element with a unique ID – and then add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    #your-custom-id .container { max-width: 100%!important; padding: 0; margin: 0; }



    Thanks Much for the help.. It almost works.. I now just have a 20px padding at the bottom but the rest is full width and filled. I have all the padding and margins set at 0px.. I even tried doing the -20px on margin and padding but it still shows 20px padding under the video. Any idea?



    Can you please post the link to your page where we can see the issue?

    Best regards,


    I also have the same observation as Lanelee, a magic padding below the video. Has this been solved?

    Just wondering, why these types of hacks with the color section are needed at the first place? Why the video element is so very limited in options? It is an important of a website, and there are actually no options at all to set. No layout features and no play-control options for example, like auto play or hide controls, etc


    you can use layout elements and put your video element inside of it.

    I think there are lots of plugins out there specialized on advanced video options.


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