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  • #900528

    Hi — I know you ask us not to bump threads, but I’ve been trying to get this fixed since 4.2 came out months ago, and others have as well. I am desperate to get this fixed – have provided FTP / login / everything on my staging site for you to check it out and hopefully come up with a solution that works for me and others.

    I keep waking up expecting to see a response and I have not yet since 3 days now. I know you’re busy with 4.2.1 release and I would like to be able to upgrade my production site to 4.2.1 since it is a security fix.

    Thank you so much



    Hey Rob,

    The issue and your threads were reported to our devs. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria!

    Thanks for your response! I’m not sure I totally understand.

    Just so I’m clear- does that mean that support mods have gone as far as you can go? I notice no one has even logged into the staging site since I set up an Enfold account 5 days ago, so I’m unclear how or if this is being addressed.

    Thank you very much,



    I want to say thank you that you are using our theme and I’m very sorry for the late reply and the problems you had the last weeks.

    I added a fix to functions.php of the parent theme on the staging site – As much as I see this should fix the problem with the first slider.

    You can replace the content of this file to your working site, if it is the same verision.

    The following changes were made:

    around line 325 I added:

    		 * With WP 4.9 we need to load the stylesheet seperately
    		if( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '4.9', '>=' ) )
    			wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-mediaelement' );

    and around line 396:

                    // wp_dequeue_style( 'mediaelement' );
    		 * remove default style for videos
    		 * With WP 4.9 we need to load the stylesheet seperately - therefore we must not remove it
    		if( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '4.9', '<' ) )
    			wp_dequeue_style( 'mediaelement' );

    This fix is already part of the next version 4.2.2.

    Best regards,

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