when adding a colorsection and a background video there is this option to hide the video on mobile.
“Video auf Mobilen Geräten verbergen?
Sie können das Video vollständig auf Mobilgeräten ausblenden und stattdessen das Hintergrundbild des Bereichs anzeigen
Die meisten mobilen Geräte können keine Videos erstellen, um Bandbreitenprobleme für den Benutzer zu verhindern”
Which screensize EXACTLY does that mean?
kind regards
Hey InSilentio,
Thank you for the inquiry.
The theme checks for the following navigator.userAgent (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/), which is a browser property, and it checks if the document has the ‘ontouchstart’ event property, which only exists on touch devices. It doesn’t rely on screen sizes.
Best regards,
Your answer has no relation to the issue i mentioned / the question i asked.
The issue is:
I want to hide a video by using your responsiveness settings but it does not hide.
At least not at the breakpoints given in the settings.