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  • #1193490


    I have created a page with a 61kb video using the Avia Video Element. But it always takes a long time to load the page (around 7-13 seconds)

    Instead I have created another page where I use the default video loader, and this page loads instantly.

    I checked all options in Enfold / Performance but I didn’t see anything wrong.

    -I disable all merging and compressions (JS and CSS)
    -Disable SSL verification when checking readabilty of merged files
    -Always load all elements
    -Always load media features

    Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance!

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by marseca.

    Hey marseca,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Loading speed of the pages are the same. There’s a slight difference, but it’s barely noticeable. Please check the screenshots containing the loading duration or network activity of both pages.


    The page with the Enfold element loaded after 5.44s and the other after 4.96s — cache is disabled. The speed variance may be due to inconsistent network connectivity during the tests.

    Best regards,

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