I am using the Photography Demo with the vertical menu. Is there a way to increase the width of the container holding the menu and logo so it may be a 35/65 split?
Rob Holmes
Hey trobh1963,
Add this to quick css and adjust the width:
.html_header_sidebar #top #header{
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Thanks Jordan,
I tried something like the css you posted and it does widen the menu and logo but it cuts off the elements in the main content section. I’m looking for a way to maintain the ratio but have the entire sidebar container increase in width a bit.
Any other ideas?
Apologies, add this with it:
.html_header_left #main {
margin-left: 600px!important;
You can adjust this and the side bar width to get your desired look.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Thanks Again Jordan,
400px seems to be my desired width. However, I lost the responsiveness of the site and stickiness of the menu. If this is a problem let me know.
Can you paste a screenshot of the issue?
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Hi Jordan,
I sent you an email with the screenshot. When the screen moves from pc to tablet to mobile the main content is no longer visible.
Hi trobh1963,
Can you please upload the screenshot to Dropbox or the like and give us the link here?
Best regards,
Here’s the link to the problem.
Hi trobh1963,
Thank you. You need to wrap the code above in a media query, like this:
@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
.html_header_left #main {
margin-left: 600px!important;
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,