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  • #629955

    Hi there,
    (Latest WP and latest Enfold as of today.)

    i’m working on a one page design with color sections for each content block. One of these should be

    60% image background with a header element on top (full width, transparent color background at 0.3 opacity) at the bottom of said section made from color section (#personal-id1)
    40% text content made from color section with text-element inside (#personal-id2)

    So far i’ve created two color sections with 75% min height and resp. 25% min height and inserted a header element in the first and a text-element in the second.
    I’ve then tried aligning the header with e.g.

    #presonal-id1 h2 { vertical-align: bottom !important; }
    among other tries within the quick css of the enfold child theme, but this doesn’t have the desired effect.
    How can i achieve this?

    Also: How can i provide extra percentage sizes for the color sections (e.g. 60/40) different from the standard ones?

    Looking forward to your help!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by hpexperten. Reason: corrected css code entry, minor typo

    Hi hpexperten,

    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    sorry, took some time migrating from localhost to server.

    Here you go…

    The effect i’m looking for is aligning the text layer (#dev_bottomalign) at the bottom of the 2nd color section. Is there an easy solution or does the actual pixel height of the container need to be known and contents floated?

    As for my second question, how can I specify specific sizes (in %) for color sections apart from the given ones? I.E. one 34% color section and a 66% color section min-size e.g.?

    Thanks for looking at this



    link you’ve provided does not show anything, but one sentences only:
    “Klicken Sie hier um Ihren eigenen Text einzufügen”

    Please provide us a precise link where we can inspect the elements in question. Quite difficult to imagine what you need though.

    Please use different tickets for different questions.

    Best regards,

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