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  • #1083120

    Muy buenas a todos, a ver si alguien saber por donde solucionar esto..

    en la web, tengo una tienda, y a la hora de querer añadir un producto, donde te deja elegir la cantidad que quieres añadir, si utilizas google chrome, sale un mensaje diciendo utiliza un formato que coincida con el solicitado, cantidad, he comprobado que es un problema del complemento “pattern” dentro de la etiqueta del campo donde pones la cantidad del producto que quieres añadir.

    es como que falta decirle al formulario que tipo de caracteres se permiten introducir…

    si alguien me puede ayudar agradecería mucho su ayuda.

    UN saludo y gracias!


    A nadie se le ocurre nada?




    Please update Enfold to the latest version 4.5.5 – and post screenshots of the issue you are having.



    Hi nikko,

    I attach the data that you asked me.

    I really appreciate your help


    The probles is only with google chrome.
    Is this “ítulo.png”

    Thanks you

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by hsanz.


    I checked your website on macOs on Chrome version 73.0.3683.75 and i cannot reproduce the issue on my end. I am able to change quantity using + and – buttons and also by typing the amount manually. I attached a screenshot in private content field.

    Which version of Chrome and operating system are you using?

    Best regards,



    Thanks you for you help.

    My so is windows 10 and chrome last version.

    The problem is add to cart 2 unit for ejample.
    The button +and – work correct



    Hi hsanz,

    Thanks for pointing it out.
    I tried to login however I could not go to the login page.
    Using wp-login.php returns a 502 bad gateway (screenshot in private content)
    wp-admin returns redirected too many times.

    Best regards,


    Hello Nikko

    I do not have that problem, it seems that it works correctly.

    I have tried with the login data and they are correct.

    What I can do?

    I appreciate your help, it’s a critical problem.

    Thank you


    Hi hsanz,

    Maybe you have some security stuff on your site that’s preventing us from going to your login page.
    The front part of your site loads properly, so it might be some security plugin.
    Please create a staging site, so you don’t need to disable some security settings you use on your site.
    Here’s a tutorial on how to do it:

    Best regards,


    Thanks NIkki,

    Where do you access?

    I do not have a security plugin


    I am solving the problem with my provider


    I need to know the country of origin


    Hi hsanz,

    Country of origin is in the philippines.
    I already tried vpn which is a feature in opera browser that worked when some countries are not allowed access but I get the same result.

    Best regards,


    Access is already allowed from there.

    I appreciate very much the speed of the response.

    a greeting


    Hi nikko.

    New news??

    I have a shop online stop. I need help.

    Thankyou so much


    Hi hsanz,

    I have checked it and this is the plugin that causes the issue:
    WooCommerce POS
    WooCommerce POS Pro (requires Woocommerce POS to run)
    Try to deactivate those 2 plugins and it works fine.

    Best regards,


    Thankyou so much Nikko.

    The problem is the check in the option “Allow Decimal Amount” in woocomerce pos pro…

    the problem is solved.

    thank you so much!


    Hi hsanz,

    We’re glad that we could help :)
    Thanks for sharing the solution, it would surely help enfold users who are using Woocommerce POS.
    Thanks also for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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