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  • #865577

    Dear Support,
    I was about to pull the trigger on the “Really Simple SSL” plugin, when I noticed the following:

    Some things can’t be done automatically. Before you migrate, please check for:
    Http references in your .css and .js files: change any http:// into //

    Can you please tell me if the Enfold .css or .js files include any http references… and if there are any other things I should be aware before activating the SSL plugin?
    Thank you.


    Hey Tim,

    They are not hardcoded. Please, make sure to switch to https here
    Image 2017-10-18 at 14.11.31.png

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria!
    Many thanks for your reply. I appreciate it.
    I activated the “Really Simple SSL” plugin and it worked like a charm! I would also note that as part of the activation, the plugin automatically made the changes that you indicate above.
    Thanks again.



    I’m glad you were able to get this configured. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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