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  • #475493

    Hello. I was a bit surprised to discover that the Enfold Avia Page Builder does not display Adsense code if it is provided in asynchronous format, which is the format that Google uses for responsive ads. I am providing a sample of the code below, which google shares on their website (

    <script async src=””></script&gt;
    <ins class=”adsbygoogle”
    (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

    I tried inserting the asynchronous code in a text box, code block, widget, etc. within the page builder and none of them display properly on the page. What is strange is that the responsive ads look fine when previewing the page, but the responsive ads don’t show up when they are viewed on the actual live published page. I have never had this problem with any other themes and am able to use responsive ads on other page builder programs like Visual Composer.

    Given that Enfold is a great responsive theme and has an awesome page builder, I am hoping that there will be some type of solution to use the responsive “asynchronous” google adwords code, which will ensure that the ads are responsive along with the theme (otherwise they look bad in the mobile version of the site).

    Please advise. Thanks


    Hi ACNLatitudes!

    Please provide us with a live access where you use it, so we can see it.
    Have you tried to use a sidebar and call a text widget?



    Hi Basilis. Thanks for the reply. I was able to get the responsive ads to show up using a custom sidebar widget within the page builder. However, doing so makes the blog grid that is displayed on that page “unclickable” (i.e., it takes away the hyperlinks on all of the titles and images in the blog post grid). As soon as I remove the custom sidebar widget from the page builder, then it all works fine again and you are able to click on the thumbnails to view the blog posts.

    Are there any other solutions that can be used? I definitely need the ability to be able to display responsive Google Adsense Ads on a pages that also display our blog post grid.

    You can see the problem by going to the following page and trying to click on one of the blog posts in the blog post grid.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by ACNLatitudes.


    Could you please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look? You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.



    Hello. I have provided the login info in the Private Content section. Please advise.



    Not sure what could be causing that, could you try to disable all plugins to see if one of them is causing a conflict?

    Best regards,


    Hello. I disabled all of the plugins and they weren’t the cause. I determined what the cause was, I was using the following code to remove some of the excess white space that was being shown at the bottom of the blog grid:

    /*Removes excess space at bottom of blog slider grid (Behavior Charts)*/
    .page-id-24802 .avia-content-slider, .avia-content-slider-inner {
    overflow: inherit;

    What is odd is that that code works fine so long as I am not displaying any responsive adsense widgets on that page. It’s only when the page has that css code + the responsive adsense widgets that the blog grid becomes “uncliclickable”. Do you have any alternative code that I can use to minimize the white space that is shown at the bottom of that page (in between the end of the blog post grid and the advertisement that is below it). Thanks!



    You can turn no the custom css class field then add a custom class attribute to the blog post element. Remove the bottom margin.

    .avia-content-slider {
      margin: 0;

    You can replace the selector above with the custom css class attribute that you defined.


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