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  • #799876

    I want to use a direct link to a mp4 video file that is hosted in my Video Pro account as a fullscreen background video inside a colorsection. I cannot make it work: the video will not load, instead I get a “Oops, The embed code for the video is not correct” error message. The link to the video is working:

    When I place a Vimeo embed the video is working. To assure the best quality I want to use the direct link to the mp4 file. How can I make it work?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by DannyAloserij.

    Hey DannyAloserij,

    If you want to use a direct link to the .mp4 is possible to load the file to your media library first?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hello Jordan, I want to use a direct link to the .mp4 hosted by Vimeo. With a Vimeo Pro account you can choose to embed the video, or to pick a direct link to the .mp4. (see screenshot)

    If I first upload the mp4 to the media library the traffic will become huge, that why I use Vimeo for videohosting ;-).

    Is it possible to link using a direct link to the .mp4 on Vimeo?



    Are you using the Video element under the media tab? If so it’s possible that the link structure (the ones I see on your image above) may not be supported.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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