I am looking for a way to make it easier to manage a very large list of items, all following the same layout. Something like a catalogue.
Is it possible to use page field values in the layout builder?
An example: I add a title item in the alb, and in stead of typing a title, I collect the value of the title. Then, when I copy the item to a new item, and give it another title, the page automatically displays that title.
Or when I make a template item of it, when I add it to another page, it automatically displays the title of that page.
is this possible?
Hey Sara,
Unfortunately, it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However, if it’s really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)
Best regards,