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  • #814626

    I want to set-up my WP site with a Staging URL (s.th. like: staging.MyDomain.com) and later switch it to the production URL (like MyDomain.com).
    I am noticing that when I add images or e.g. the Logo img … then the entire URL (including domain portion) is stored (in the underlying WP database) as the resource link.
    When switching later to my production website URL (e.g. MyDomain.com) the stored subdomain URL is used in the image Url. That’s not convenient because I want to delete the subdomain after going live.

    What is the best practice to avoid that? Removing the Domain part of the URL after inserting/uploading the logo and starting all resource URL’s with a relative path like /wp-content/… ? At least that works for the logo but will it be a solution for all images / resources throughout the theme, e.g. in Layer slider and all other galleries?

    Any tip? Any experience?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by team-denali.

    Hey team-denali,

    This plugin works fantastic for seamlessly moving your entire WP install from one location to another. It has a huge user base and comes highly recommended.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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