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  • #704891

    hello, my client is worrying about the following:

    in google one of his best pages is url 1.
    but this is a portfolio – item, which i pointing to a page. see 2. image.
    therefor weve made a forward to 3.
    but he does not like it when people find this url in google, but at the end when they click on it, they in fact are landing on a different page.

    my question is:
    those portfolio – items , they have to be online i gues, as they are used in a Portfolio grid (4).
    but what to do about this problem of getting on the actual portfolio – page in google , which is in fact not in use. (see again 2. image) ?

    ps: becaause this is the danger if oen DOES NOT make a redirect: see 5. im landing at a quite empty page, because i in fact not using this as i am pointing the portfolio items to static pages, see again 2. image.
    so , how to NOT show the portfolio item at all in google? of do i have to because im using the images of them in the grid? or is it more wise to not make a portfolio page point to a static page (2 image) , but just use the portfolio item itself as the page?

    (you might think: why use 8 separate portfolio items to not use them? well, the layout of the GRID was nice. if i could make the same GRID, with the arrows coming up, two rows of 4 pic, white space at the bottom etc etc, i would not even need those portfolio items. but… i cant, can i? because i think we had that discussion once and here : see 6. you can see i did NOT use portfolio items, so the grid is not as nice as if you DO use portfolio items)

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by yampieters.

    Hey jelle,

    To hide URL from google you can use a plugin like YOAST SEO and hide it or use the google webmaster tools to achieve the same.

    Coming to customizing the grid looks it’s not clear what you are trying to achieve please post us a screenshot/mockup of what you would like to achieve? You can upload the screenshot to or dropbox and share the link here :)

    Best regards,


    hi vinay, thanks.
    i was BOUND to use the Portfolio grid as
    i wanted the arrows on the overlay layer so i HADto use the Portfolio Grid.
    the disadvantage of this is that every image showing in the Portfolio Grid has a Port-folio items behind them. which is somewhere online, we talked about that. ive used everywhere the option: Link Portfolio Item To External Link, which makes the Portfolio-item itselfs Useless, im only using it to get the pics with the arrow (via The Featured Image option)

    i needed a masonry grid on the page ‘Workshops’ but there are no arrows here. If the masonry grid would have got also the nice arrows once you select a Featured Image, i could forget about the Portfolio Grid and than have no hassle with the port-folio items attached to them.



    We would be glad to help you with this customization, but at the moment there is no easy way to do this by using a small custom code snippet, so I am afraid its out of the scope of our support.

    But please feel free to request such feature at our feature request system:

    This system allows us to keep track of user suggestions and lets you vote on the feature you would like to see the most. I am afraid though there is no guarantee that a feature will get implemented. If that’s something you really need you can always try to hire a developer for the task :)

    Best regards,

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