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  • #394069


    At the minute this is only happening on the home page. I have created a page-builder template and loaded on other page all works OK.
    If woocommerce Version 2.2.11 is active, on page refresh the builder will not load, nor can I review my page revisions.

    If I deactivate plugin then all loads OK.

    The only additional elements ive added recently to the page is – table & grid row layout

    Additionally, the footer and socket area has shrunk to boxed sized, not full width.

    I have disabled all plugins and removed all custom CSS and function code but footer/socket remains the same.

    Please could you urgently look into this. Would be much appreciated.


    Hey user877!

    Not sure what’s going on there. Something wrong with the color sections I think. Create a new page and add your content in piece by piece and check on the front end while your adding it to see where the problem is.



    Ive solved the footer sizing issue – this was a text block with a grid row casing the issue. I moved it elsewhere. Created a new copied page as well.

    The other issue is why when I disable woocommerce plugin why does the footer columns change? The 5 widgets I assigned for the 5 footer columns change or move position. The first two footer columns for example show the default theme stuff, like list of all pages.



    It could be that they are assigned to the numbered positions and when you activate Woocommerce we add two new widget areas before them so the widgets will get pushed off by 2 areas. You’ll just need to drag them over to the correct areas again.


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