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  • #973941

    Hi there,

    So, here’s what happened and how,

    1. I wanted to embed a pinterest pin to website. Soon I discovered, that I need to add a code to “Child Theme”
    2. I installed a plugin called Child Theme Configurator by Lilaea Media from WordPress Plugin Directory
    3. I created a child theme from enfold as a parent theme following a simple tutorial from youtube.
    4. I swtiched from the parent theme to the child theme from appearance section
    4. The child theme had CSS styling issues so I switched back to the parent origianl theme.
    5. Since I switched back, the website lost all its css styling that I had done using enfold settings.
    6. The settings are the same in the enfold setting page but are not displayed on the website when I see the frontpage.

    Please help! How can I fix this.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by syedali364.

    Hey syedali364,
    Please include a admin login & ftp access in the private content area so we can see if we can recover.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Sorry, it looks like we won’t be able to recover from the changes. I tested the older css files but they seemed worse.

    Best regards,


    Hi, I do have a backup of the wordpress data before I tried making a child theme, you think it could help restoring the website?


    It sounds like it could, I recommend making a complete backup of the site now and then try using your other backup.
    When I look at your site now it looks like there are just a few font colors that need to be changed, such as the black font in the section “WELCOME TO THE LIFE UNDERWATER”, it seems that it would be a easy fix to do?
    Is there other major changes?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    The website used to look like the link in the private content. The fonts have changed, the theme colors have changed. I used the gym template & changed the colors. Did not change the fonts from the template. I have the back-up but I do not know how to securely restore my website with it. I’ve done so much work on it, I fear I might lose the work.



    What did you use to create the backup?

    Best regards,

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