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  • #551251


    I don´t know what happen with my website –

    I entered an API key from Mail Chimp but got en error that it couldn´t connect to MailChimp.

    When I then look at my site all the settings is gone – help! All codes I enter in Quick CSS is gone!

    Have can I restore it?? And how could it happen after I enter the Api Key???



    I have manually added all the quick css code again and adjusted all the settings to how it was done before and that took some time.

    You should definitely look into the bug that the API key from Mail Chimp is creating! It was not a pleasant experience to see my site go back to default theme setting.


    ….and it could be good to know if I was able to restore all the settings. Is that possible?



    The login details you posted are not working for me, could you check please?



    Hi Rikard,

    I deleted it when nobody helped me the other day but you can have a look now. I have activated the logjn again.

    I am not sure that you will see anything because I had to add all the quick css code again and restore all my settings so now it looks ok.



    Hi Charlotte,

    Ok, it sound very strange that the theme settings and CSS should disappear, I’ve never seen that before. But I’m glad you got it restored and that it’s looking good now. Make sure to back your site up before you update anything so that you can easily roll back if anything should go wrong.



    It happens the same to me today! the css styles disappeared.

    I’m working at

    Can anybody help me?
    I dont know how to go back the css styles… snif!!



    Please send us a temporary admin login so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply. You might want to consider opening a new thread though since the original post will be able to see you details.


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