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  • #757991

    Hi — I am tearing my hair out trying to create what seems like a very simple grid of images of speakers at an event.

    It must have:

    • A head shot of each speaker (square thumbnail)
    • Each with their name and organization below the image
    • With proper spacing between the images
    • With the photo linking to their website.

    An exact example of what I need is the speakers section of this page: http://sbnmass.org/events/local-sustainable-economies/

    I have tried four different approaches, none of which work. What is the best way to do this? (I can use the WP Gallery Custom Links plugin for the external links if needed.) Thank you.


    An update — I have done this, with a layout of 4 1/4-width columns, individual images, and added text boxes for the captions. It works.

    But it took over half an hour. In my example site, it’s literally one click to choose the images for a gallery.

    A gallery of head shots with captions seems like such a normal thing to need — have I missed a way of doing this much more quickly and easily in Enfold?




    Glad it’s sorted for you :)

    Whenever you switch to a new theme there is a learning curve due to which you may find that it took long. If you try setting up the same next time it would be much quicker.

    Let us know if you need further assistance, we are happy to help!

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay — I own several Enfold licenses and have been using the theme for a few years now.

    So my question is not the one you answered.

    It’s — is there a SIMPLE way to create a gallery grid of captioned head shots (or any simple grid of images with basic captions underneath) in Enfold. Half an hour’s work vs. one click for such a simple gallery was not what i was hoping for. Thanks.



    What Vinay means is that the time you spend each time will be less, as you pass time to get the things shorted.
    There is no other way, you can try a different plugin, but that would create an over-load with no actual reason I guess.

    Let us know if we can do anything else.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, you can mark this resolved.



    Thank you for understanding :)
    To know more about enfold features please check – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/

    Best regards,

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