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  • #1363021

    I have followed the instructions at > How to upload custom fonts, and also looked at some other posts such as

    If have followed the steps explained under “How to upload custom fonts”:
    1. download (ok),
    2. compress (ok),
    3. add (here is the problem): could not upload cause the server did not allow the upload under Enfold > Import/Export > Custom Font Manager.

    Can you explain how/where the Downloaded Custom Font can be uploaded via ftp, so that after that I can select it from the list under Enfold > General Styling > Fonts as an Custom Uploaded Font.

    Thank you.


    Hi mebi,

    I have responded to your other thread.
    Uploading via FTP is possible however it won’t be registered in the database, so you’ll need to upload it via Custom Font Manager.

    Best regards,

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