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  • #1479517

    I updated my site to the latest theme and committed the cardinal sin up not creating a backup. :-(
    So Now I can’t access the Enfold Advanced Editor. The front end is working, but when I try to edit a page with the advanced Layout Builder, it loads a grey screen, with only the toolbar at the top with a button to change to the Default block editor.

    I renamed the theme folder and reinstalled the new theme, but it’s still not working.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.



    Hey jensmart,

    Thanks for the login details. The layout builder seems to be working as expected on your home page, how can we reproduce the results that you are seeing on your end?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I appreciate the reply. Well that’s very peculiar!

    Whatever page, including home page, I try to edit, I get the grey screen in the screenshot below. I can change to the block editor with the top right blue button.

    Layout builder screenshot greyscreen.



    Please try using a different browser, or a private/incognito window to see if that helps.

    Best regards,


    Tried incognito, Brave, Google and Firefox, but get the same result.

    Do you think uploading the previous version theme, would work, or is there a way to rollback?

    or…. If YOU created a full site backup with vivid, and I restore it on my machine, or is that a bad idea?

    Thanks again.



    The builder is loading correctly on our end.

    View post on

    Have you tried logging out and then logging back in? Make sure to purge the cache or clear your browser history.

    Best regards,


    Yep, I did all that. Same result.




    Thanks for the update. Did you try using a different internet network? If that doesn’t work either, then we’ll need a sure way of reproducing the results that you are seeing on your end.

    Best regards,


    I have an old laptop on the same internet connection and I get the same result.

    By different internet network, you mean my ISP, right?

    I could give you remote access, with Windows 11, if that helps.

    Or you could have cPanel access.



    Hi Rikard,
    I logged in with the user credentials I created for you to access the admin. user enfoldtech. And now I can access the Layout builder with no issues.

    So somehow, I must have created a conflict, with my username!! Very strange. Never seen that happen before.

    So for now, the issue seems to be solved.

    Thanks a lot for your input Rikard, it’s appreciated.

    I do have another question, but I’ll start a new thread.

    Thanks again.




    Great, I’m glad to hear that you found the problem. We’ll close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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