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  • #1053535

    Anyone tried and encountered same issue/bug like this?
    Auto Post/Save Bug
    this happened every time I created new “demo” or real post/page.

    Can someone help me to solve this issue please.


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Menj.

    I was able to trace the cause of this bug/issue. I just migrated this site to a new hosting/server and I tried to save the “permalink” settings again. And now it works properly again.




    Great! Glad it’s fixed. We’ll close this thread now.

    Have a nice day. And thank you for using Enfold!

    Best regards,


    Hi team,
    I’m getting the same error “Updating failed”. Block editor mode is on, so far I can only preview my changes but not make updates to any pages.

    Please help to fix this issue ASAP.

    LF to hear from you soon.



    : What happens when you switch the editor from Block to the Classic one? You can select the editor in the Enfold > Theme Options panel. Can we access the site?

    Best regards,

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