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  • #726216

    Hey guys,
    I’ve noticed my Enfold theme isn’t up-to-date with the current version. Currently it says 3.3.2 with “you are running the latest version.” My API key and username are in the fields and it used to let me know when updates were available so I would update it straight from the enfold part of the dashboard. I noticed it hasn’t updated in months where it used to say I had an update every month or so.

    Is there something I need to do to get it to recognize the latest Enfold version?
    BTW, I’m not too familiar with FTP so it’d be nice to be able to continue to update it from the menu inside the WP dashboard like before.

    Thanks for any help.


    Hi Nate!

    Can you please re-create an API key through Envato and try replace it, so you can try see the results?

    Thank u

    Best regards,


    Thanks Basilis,
    I created a new API and implemented it but it didn’t change anything.




    Please try this plugin to clear WordPress transients if you do not receive auto updates and make sure your API key is correct:

    If it does not help, I am afraid you might need to update the theme manually –

    Unfortunately not all Server environments are able to make use of the auto update feature provided by ThemeForest :/

    Best regards,


    I’ll try this and report back. Thank you so much Yigit.




    Not at all Nate. We will keep the thread open and wait to hear from you :)



    Hey guys,
    I ended up manually updating through the FTP and it worked!
    Just wanted to follow up and let you know. Apologies for the late response.


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