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    I downloaded the zip folder from Themeforest and have been using the site nicely for several months. I tried to figure out the masonry blog layout and realized that I don’t have it as an option. I then discovered that I am using version 1.8.4
    I would like to update but don’t know where to find the files for updating. In the theme options, I don’t have the option to update the theme. I’d like to make the update via ftp but don’t know where to get the latest files.

    I’ve placed a screenshot of what my theme options look like (below). Thanks for your help. This is a multi-site wordpress site.


    Hey MennoPlace!

    You’ll first need to update over FTP just like you did the first install so that you then have the option for future updates to go through WordPress:

    That video will walk you through it step by step :)


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