November 27, 2018 at 6:57 pm #1038128
Hi Enfold Team,
Description of the issue:
– I’m constantly making changes on my website, but these changes are showing up only when I’m logged in into admin area. I made changes to the menu, made changes to some pages, and added new pages too.
– If I’m logged out, and standing on one of firstly made page for example the front page (https://pergolak.hu/) I can see the old menu (Rolunk | Termekek | Referenciaink | Blog | Kapcsolat), but if I log in, I can see the same page, with the new menu (Rolunk | Pergolak | Oldalfalak | Referenciaink | Blog | Kapcsolat) and some changes for example in the grey color section.
– If I’m logged out, and standing on one of newly made pages, there’s no problem at all, the new menu shows up.
– There is an older page, which I don’t need anymore (https://pergolak.hu/termekek/alap-modellek/), but I wanted not to delete it, so I made it as a Draft. But when you are logged out, you can still reach it, display it, as it will e published.
>>>||| Some extra info |||<<<
– For me i t looks like it is a caching issue, but already turned off my caching plugin, turned off Enfold > Performance settings, and asked my server provider if there’s a server-side caching, but there’s not. So it should be not a problem
– Exactly when I got this problem, out of nowhere I got an uploading issue to my media libary, plugin directory, and my WP is constantly asking for FTP credentials. I don’t know which of issues does the other issue, but I think they are connected to each other somehow. To solve this, I already made steps without any luck…
– added the line “define(‘FS_METHOD’,’direct’);” to the file “/wp-config.php”
– switched off all the plugins
– made folder permissions recursively to folder “public_html”
– I’ve found a weird file in this location called “/wp-content/updraft/.htaccess” which has only one line which can cause problems. Renamed it to make it useless, but no changes.
– increased the memory limit in the file “/wp-config.php” adding lines “define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’);” and “define(‘WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);”Sorry for describing this thing too detailed, but I wanted to provide everything I could. I’m not asking you to do my work, I just need some good advises, because I’m already starting to get really stressed of this.
I’m providing every credentials which I can, I made an admin user for for you.
Thanks for your kind help, I really appreciate it.
Kind regards,
Thomas ZsitvaDecember 1, 2018 at 6:26 am #1039505Hi Thomas,
Sorry for the late reply, though I can’t see anything missing in you main menu?. It’s quite large so maybe I’m missing something, could you try to explain exactly what is missing from it please?
About the page which is visible, the status of it is Nyilvános, which means public in hungarian I think? If you don’t want it to be accessible then maybe you could try to put it as private?
Best regards,
RikardDecember 2, 2018 at 4:13 pm #1039979Hi Rikard!
Changes wont show error clear description (not just the menu, other parts too):
To make it easier, I uploaded screenshots, which you can see here: https://app.box.com/s/hroi2gmeylx441ct71es5vitfskliawf
– If you are logged into the wp-admin area, you see every changes made to the actual date, so you see the menu in the actual format (new.png), and for example the index page had some changes too (new2.png)
– but when you are logged off, you see the menu which was like that 3 weeks before (old.png), but I changed it, and the other changes on the page aren’t showing too (old2.png – which should look like new2.png).About the public/draft page:
– The page, either if iths private, or public, if it is a “Draft” and it’s not “Published”, than it should be visible just for an Administrator, or Editor of the page, not for the public. But somehow it’s visible.
– I tested the site with the tool “https://www.browserling.com/”. It sees the old version of the sites.
– As I mentioned above, however you aren’t logged in, you can see the new version of the menu too at some pages, but just on these, which were created in the near past, for example “https://pergolak.hu/pergolak/hi-tech-ponyvas/ferde-siku/”Sincerely,
ThomasDecember 4, 2018 at 6:03 pm #1040826Hello there,
I figured it out, now it works. The problem was multiple, but on the end, it was a problem with ownership. With “chown www:data” it was already ok, after I got into an ssh terminal.
Thank you, and sorry for bothering.
December 4, 2018 at 6:37 pm #1040847Hi Thomas,
Glad that you figured it out. :)
If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to create a new thread.
Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!Best regards,
Nikko -
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