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  • #274984

    Hey there,
    I bought the theme yesterday and WP is the latest version. I dont know why but from time to time my updates to some elements are completly ignored. Like when deleting the text of a tab or pasting a image or video url to the text in the tab.

    I tried in a tab text area
    Adding image or audio. the text area just remains empty, nothing is added
    Pasting youtube link is the same
    Deleting text: it’s then deleted in the editor, I press save and it is alive again in the tabs preview and on the front end…

    Any idea?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Gabster.

    Hi Gabster!

    Please try to re-install all themes files via ftp: – maybe one or more files are corrupt and break the template builder. You can also try to increase the allocated php memory to 128M: and to deactivate all third party plugins/extensions – maybe a plugin triggers a js error which breaks the template builder.



    Thanks Peter,

    installed it via ftp, no plug ins are active. I can upload all images fine but adding them to a text box sometimes fails. But I think you are right, may be its a php restriction. It happens when the page grows a little bigger in text…I think there was a php variable for input length.

    Thanks for now!



    Yes, it’s called max_input_vars – i.e. see

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the access.

    I created a test page and added a bunch of text blocks. I even added the media player code that you place on a text block. Updated the page a few times and it’s working.

    Please try to test it on another browser and computer. If I am not mistaken, you’re having problem with the audio player. Please use an audio or playlist plugin instead of copying the whole code on a text block. Remove the inline styling to fix the audio player issue.



    Ismael, thanks but I am afraid you didnt see my problem. As I said, it starts when the page has a certain size or element. I went to the page you created – its only text…now go back to that page and try to change the Text in the tabs. I cannot change it, nor delete it or ad an image to it. The modal window for editing tabs is just not saving the changes. Tried different browsers :-/ The media player should work fine, it works on an empty page.



    hm, looking at the error console it throws the following: TypeError: this.$node.css(…) is undefined…”undefined”)this.width=a;if(typeof b!=”undefined”)this.height=b;if(this.height.t… This belongs to the html5 audio player script. Too bad I cannot use the WP Player in enfold :-/



    You might be able to add in the raw code for it into a code block if its causing a conflict otherwise.

    Best regards,


    Thanks but no, the audioplayer cannot be added. Somehow it comes with inlinestyles that break the page.




    Thank you for the update.

    I want to check the test page that I created but you removed it. I remember updating it over and I changed the content of the text block without any issue. I restore it from trash then edited the text block again without any problem:

    You might be able to fix the audio code by removing the inline style attribute.



    Yes it seems that a javscript error from the audio player is the problem. So removing the inline styles wouldnt change that. Guess I have to wait until enfold fully supports the native audio player from wordpress.




    Thank you for the update.

    I don’t think that the audio shortcode is the cause of the problem since I added the same audio shortcode right below the text blocks and they’re still working fine. Maybe, the issue is intermittent. Let us know if you experience the problem again. If possible, please test it on another computer or browser.



    Thanks for the support so far. I tried different Computers and different enfold installs.

    The audio player is not added as a short code but as html with styles. An Error comes up and non of the page builder elements can be updated/edited anymore. I can make changes sometimes but only in the text editor, but not add any images in text fields.

    TypeError: this.$node.css(…) is undefined
    “string”?window[c.options.success](,c.domNode,c):c.options.success(,c.domNode,c)}},handleError:function(a){this.controls.hide();this.options.error&&this.options.error(a)},setPlayerSize:function(a,b){if(typeof a!=”undefined”)this.width=a;if(typeof b!=”undefined”)this.height=b;if(this.height.toString().indexOf(“%”)>0||this.$node.css(“max-width”)===”100%”||parseInt(this.$node.css(“max-width”).replace(/px/,””),10)/this.$node.offsetParent().width()===1||this.$node[0].currentStyle&&this.$node[0].currentStyle.maxWidth===

    The audio player is added as short code in IE. But after it is added I cannot make any changes to the other elements. Cannot edit the text, cannot delete text or add images to it.

    Error: SCRIPT438: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode “remove” nicht (remove is not supported)
    Datei: load-scripts.php, Zeile: 641, Spalte: 1866

    Another error here: When I click on one page builder element to edit it, another one is opened in the modal. Its all mixed up.

    I also get the following access denied errors:
    SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x2ef3, Could not complete the operation due to error 00002ef3
    File: post.php
    SCRIPT70: access denied
    File: load-scripts.php, Zeile: 3, Spalte: 20663
    SCRIPT70: access denied
    File: load-scripts.php, Zeile: 3, Spalte: 20663
    –> found that this is not a new problem!

    I have no idea anymore what could be wrong. I prefere to use firefox where the problems start when adding the audio player :-/




    Not really sure why you’re having that issue. I checked the test page again with the audio shortcode using Firefox 29.0 Windows 8 and I was able to edit the page without issues. Looks like the problem is unique with your installation. Do you have any browser extension? They might be in conflict with the theme.



    Hey Ismael,

    thanks for the quick support. I tried different browser at home and in the office with different installs of enfold. Still the same. Audioplayer in FF is added as HTML, even on the page you have created, wich I cannot edit unless I switch to text mode but then cannot add images/short codes.IE still opens wrong elements in the modal window when I click one. May be I should make a video…

    The only thing my enfold installs have in common is that they run on the same server. Could this be a reason? May be user rights management? Is there a demo install of enfold anywhere I could try?



    Update: I installed enfold on a server in the UK, updates WP to 3.9.1 and I get the errors here as well. I think I have to make a screen video to proove that.

    Please look here:

    this is latest enfold with Firefox 29 and Win7 and a fresh install.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Gabster.


    If you are only trying to add in html make sure you are adding it into a *code* element and *not* a text element so that the code isn’t getting run as well.



    I dont know why it is added as html. Sure I can copy the html code from the text editor to a code element but that doesnt change anything. Even when I manualy add a short code for the player it crashes the page and produces javascript errors.

    Am I the only guy with this sort of errors? I mean it happens with different PCs and installs of enfold.



    If you want to embed the player you need to use the “Audio” shortcode: and the code block element

    I.e. I added the shortcode to the test page here:

    [audio mp3=""]



    Hey Peter, thanks for the hint but I tried that already and it doesnt wotk with playlists! Not sure why the build in WP function doesnt work with enfold. I tried to create a play list in text editor [playlist ids="62,61,60,59,58,57"] and copied it to the code box – after saving the problems were back – was not able to edit any other element on the page – like shown in the video. Go back and try to edit any text or image in the visual editor, I am not able to do so.



    Yes, I can reproduce the issue with the textblock. I reported it to Kriesi but I’m not sure if we can fix this. I recommend to use the code block which works with any shortcode (playlist or single player).

    Best regards,


    Thanks Peter, good to know you have seen the Problem. Yes I can add the short code for the playlist to the code box, but as I said before, the problem is the same then. It doesnt matter if the playlist is in the textblock or in the code box it produces errors. It only works with the single file short code.


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