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  • #1463566

    I have a staging site set up and updated to the latest version, I did not see Advanced Avia Layout builder page on the front, I tried to remove a page from the menu and the whole menu disappeared, tried to make a new menu and only links appear and even if I add a page it turns into a link option. The layer slider does not show either. I am providing the login info.

    Thank you @Ismael for answering me back and I started a new thread as you have suggested.


    Hey archana,

    Thank you for the opening a new thread.

    The account above is not an admin, so we’re not able to check anything in the dashboard. Please set the user role to administrator or provide another admin account. In the meantime, please provide screenshots of the issue using platforms like Savvyify, Imgur, or Dropbox.

    Best regards,


    Hi! Sorry for not setting user role right. I have updated it to adminstrator. Also adding a dropbox link to view screenshots.



    Thanks for that. Did you try to activate the layout builder at the top right of the screen while editing your pages?

    Best regards,


    Yes. I did that but still I couldn’t get the slider to show up or the menu. I tried building a second menu by adding pages but it says pending and then turn into custom links!



    Thanks for the update. There seems to be something wrong with the slide you have selected, as other slides are working as they should.

    You had no text in your menu items, adding text displays the menu.

    Best regards,


    I added the pages to the menu, they show up but they do not take you to the pages. Why do I get custom links instead? Regarding the slider, It does not show full width and all I see is a blank slider that moves.




    You can add pages from the sidebar under Appearance->Menus. Please share FTP login details in private so that we can try to upload a fresh copy of the theme for you.

    Best regards,


    I made a new staging site and I uploaded a fresh copy of it. Everything seems to be ok. Thanks for your support.


    Glad Rikard could help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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  • The topic ‘updated to Enfold 6.0.1, do not show Avia Builder on page, menu,layer slider’ is closed to new replies.