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  • #327960

    i updated our website to 3.0 and noticed this:

    the logo on the left side in the menu is in the leftmost position without any space from the border on the left/top/bottom. And the search icon on the right side has the same effect. What can i do to move the logo and the search icon away from the borders?

    Thank you for your help.


    This problem only appears on the frontpage of the website. On subpages the logo and the search icon have a gap (left and right), but also not on the top and bottom.

    I need a solution for the frontpage to get a space above, beyond and left from the logo and a space above, beyond and right from the search icon.
    And i need a solution for the subpages to get a space above and beyond the logo and the search icon.

    Thank you very much.



    Would you mind trying to re-save the Enfold options in your backend. I think this is just a stylesheet caching issue that should be fixed once you re-save :)



    Could it be that the 3.0 update changed my WordPress backend language from german to english?

    wp-config.php has german enabled, the Localization-plugin says only german is installed for wordpress.

    … confused …

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by wernerfriedl.

    Doesn’t sound very likely. The backend language is defined by your wordpress installation, not by the theme itself…


    Thanks Kriesi,
    riddle solved. I am testing performance plugins and it seems one of these did the effect.



    Glad you figured it out and Kriesi could help! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues :)


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