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  • #317547

    Dear Enfold,
    We updated the Enfold theme for our client but the Layer slider no longer works properly. the html breaks no longer functions and the text is in one long line instead of utilising the </br> we inserted .

    in the layer slider editor it shows the following (which means: “the automatic update can not be ended. please begin the update again (which is why we updated then via the ftp server which seemed to work but we continue seeing this notification that it did not finish installing – on the ftp server it did)):
    Ein automatisches Update konnte nicht beendet werden – Bitte starte das Update jetzt erneut.

    Dara Emerson


    Hey DaraEmerson!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    From what version of the theme did you update? The latest patch 2.9.2 includes the latest version of Layer Slider which 5.2.0. You might need to reconfigure the layer slider if you’re using the old version when you created it.



    There is now a newer update of the layer slider

    On all the pages of the website (in administrator area of the page above the title “seite bearbeiten” work on page) it says the following:
    “the automatic update can not be ended. please begin the update again (which is why we updated then via the ftp server which seemed to work but we continue seeing this notification that it did not finish installing – on the ftp server it did)):
    Ein automatisches Update konnte nicht beendet werden – Bitte starte das Update jetzt erneut.

    We have updated 2x now over the ftp server – the latest time today. it still says this.


    The layer slider works perfectly in their preview – on the website it does not work properly



    You can use (Email address hidden if logged out) to create an user but please post login credentials here privately so we can look into it

    Best regards,


    do you get the linebreak in this way: ?

    And btw:

    In HTML, the <br> tag has no end tag.

    In XHTML, the <br> tag must be properly closed, like this: <br />.


    wow! danke! yes that did it. I also need an update. Thanks

    in the old xhtml it was </br>

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by DaraEmerson.

    nö – das war nur fehlertolleranter
    schöne Grüße nach Österreich

    there was a bigger fault tolerance

    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    btw. i’m a participant as you so i can not see your replies


    Dear Guenni007 – Will let you know th progress – they are looking at the resons why the update seems to have created a problem with the forms being sent to our client. Thanks for your simple and effective help



    1. I addressed your contact form problem in this topic.
    2. The username you provided for us is not an administrator account, please change that.


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