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  • #980525

    Hi guys,

    I hope you will help me on this.
    Maybe it needed a manual intervention on this.

    I use enfold since a long time now. I used a child theme and I overwrite many things on enfold.
    The major problem on this update is on the comments.

    I use comments with ALB. It works on 4.1.1 but not in 4.4.1.
    Can you explain me guys where the files moved of functions ?

    I called the function comments_template(); in template-builder.php in 4.1.1 and the comments was open.
    Now in 4.4.1 when I call the function, the comments are closed.

    Right now, I downgraded to 4.1.1 for the comments.
    Furthermore, I fix the instagram return error with this fix :
    I used just the Instagram part.

    Do you have an idea for the comments and the upgrade ?

    Best regards,


    Hey Wecode_fr,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    On which line inside the template-builder.php file did you put that code? Did you create a site backup? We need to enable the latest version so that we can inspect the issue. And please provide a link to one of the posts where you want to add the comment form.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks you for your response.
    It’s the line 154. In private, I give you additional details.

    Well it’s work in 4.1.1. Not in 4.4.1.

    I installed the website on a secure server.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for the update.

    The comment form works properly when I checked. I tried it with and without logging in.

    Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/pNrfTZT

    There’s some changes in the latest version of the template-builder.php so you may need to update the child theme modification.

    Best regards,

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