Updated and added dummy pages to build off of and it seems like some quick CSS I had prior to doing so is left on my page.
It seems like the Logo image is larger and menu is positioned differently. I went to my quick css spot to see if I could delete it but it’s not there anymore. What should I do to make it default size and position? Thanks in advance.
It’s because of this code in Quick CSS:
.main_menu { left: 35%; }
Thanks. But is there a way I can delete all the quick css on this site? Because in the Quick CSS box there is no code.
Please go to wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/admin folder and open register-admin-options.php file and find
$avia_elements[] = array(
"slug" => "styling",
"name" => __("Quick CSS", 'avia_framework'),
"desc" => __("Just want to do some quick CSS changes? Enter them here, they will be applied to the theme. If you need to change major portions of the theme please use the custom.css file.", 'avia_framework'),
"id" => "quick_css",
"type" => "textarea"
and change it to
//$avia_elements[] = array(
// "slug" => "styling",
// "name" => __("Quick CSS", 'avia_framework'),
// "desc" => __("Just want to do some quick CSS changes? Enter them here, they will be applied to the theme. If you need to change major portions of the theme please use the custom.css file.", 'avia_framework'),
// "id" => "quick_css",
// "type" => "textarea"
// );
Best regards,