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  • #1123259

    Hi Gurus,
    we’ve made a wonderful image map with Master Slider: When you move over certain areas, the black and white image changes to a coloured one (by loading a colored png above). And when you click on it, the portfolio frame loads over that. See on the top of the page.

    But after updating to Enfold 4.x (every version), enfold takes over the former Master Slider function and shows the ordinary arrow ‘\E832’ of entypo-fontello plus its rectangular opacity. See the screenshot here:

    How can we get rid of that? Why does enfold suddenly occupy functions of Master Slider?
    (Background info: We also tried it with older Master Slider versions, but every time the same issue. At the moment we switched back to enfold 3.7.4, but we have also the 4.5.7 on the webserver in an extra themes/folder)

    Thanks a lot an best wishes

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Yeti.

    Hey Stephan,

    I am not seeing the issue as you switched. How can we see the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    we switched back to Enfold 3.x, because this site is online and live. Should we give a FTP-account to you, so you can rename the two Enfold-folders under /themes/?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Yeti.

    Hi Stephan,

    Thanks for the update. Is it ok if we activate the new version in order to reproduce the problem? In that case then please include the login details we need in private in order to do so.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    yes, it’s really ok. In /mycontent/ (alternative for wp-content) under /themes/ there a two folders
    – enfold/ (with Enfold3.x)
    – enfold-4.5.7/ with the actual theme
    Please rename /enfold/ to “enfold-3” and / enfold-4.5.7/ to “enfold”, than you can see the issue at the start page.

    The FTP-Account you’ll find in the private box below.

    And much thanks just yet!
    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Yeti.


    Thanks for that, but I get redirected to once I login. What do we need to do in order to log into WordPress.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    so sorry, I forgot the auth.code. See it now in the private data box above.



    It’s still not working. Please check the login credentials.

    Thank you for the update.

    Best regards,


    Sorry Ismael, I dont’ know why….
    Now I created a new password and wrote it in the private box above. And I tested both (WP and FTP), and both are now working.

    Thanks fpr your your patience and best regards



    Thank you for the update.

    We can now access the site, but the slider looks a little different from the screenshot. Did you adjust the slider layout? How did you apply the mouseover or grayscale effect?

    Best regards,

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