Tagged: update
I’ve got Enfold tied to themeforest, I got the notification, but when I try to run it errors out each time. What is the issue and how can I safely proceed without loosing the work that has been put into it.
Enabling Maintenance mode…
Updating Theme Enfold (1/1)
Downloading update from http://s3.amazonaws.com/marketplace-downloads.envato.com/files/88763383/enfold.zip?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJYG5ROGJ6X7Z3M6Q&Expires=1397760881&Signature=bTw8rNpQvAic722uMw%2F0F31%2BAVw%3D&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B+filename%3Dthemeforest-4519990-enfold-responsive-multipurpose-theme-wordpress_theme.zip…
Unpacking the update…
Installing the latest version…
Removing the old version of the theme…
Theme update failed.
An error occurred while updating Enfold: Could not remove the old theme.
Disabling Maintenance mode…
Hi uptimeinstitute!
Please try updating the theme via FTP manually – http://vimeo.com/67209750