My site is currently running 4.0.2 software and I was trying to update it. After selecting to manually update it, it showed the newest update so I ran it. Once I ran it my site went into “temporary maintenance mode” after a couple of mins in that mode my front end and back end of my site shot a http 500 code.
I’m not extreamly savey using WordPress but I can do enough to get by so I contacted my hosting company to figure out what may have happened. Once they looked into it they explained to me that there were some broken pages in the update that crashed my site. So what they did in the meantime was re upload my original enfold files and my site now works as it did before.
Is there a way that I can update my theme without having to worry about it crashing again?
Hey mikejmellado,
The best way forward would likely be to copy your site to a staging environment and try the update there first, that means you won’t risk your production site being down. Would you be able to copy your site?
If you can’t do that, then I would recommend that you completely remove the theme folder via FTP, and then reupload a fresh copy from your themeforest account.
We will have to see the actual problem in order to help you out, if we can’t see that then we can only give you general debugging measures.
Best regards,