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  • #1439796

    Hi there

    Just performed a manual WP core update from v6.4.4 to v6.5.2.
    Unfortunately, it broke my Enfold header including main navigation (logo shifted down, search field suddenly on the left above the logo and the whole main navigation was outside the header container.

    Have I done something wrong and could you assist me please?
    I am using a child theme and downgraded to WP 6.4.4 again to “solve” the issue for now.

    Technical details
    WordPress 6.4.4
    PHP 8.2.13
    Enfold parent version: 5.7

    I see the following issues in my debug.log:
    PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property avia_superobject::$wpml is deprecated in ./wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/base-classes/class-object-properties.php on line 67

    Any ideas how to fix this? I think the issue might be related to WPML as well.

    Thanks a lot,


    Hey Michael,

    Could you copy the site to a staging area and update there first, so that we can see the actual problem please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    Sure, I have setup a staging site using WP 6.5.2 (see private content for details please).
    You can see the header problem there.

    Thanks a lot



    Thank you for the info.

    Did you duplicate the header.php template file in the child theme? If so, you may need to update the template file with the latest version to ensure compatibility. If this is not the case, please provide access to the dashboard so that we can check the issue further.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael.

    True, I use a header.php template file in my child theme in order to use a custom webfont:
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/MyFontsWebfontsKit.css">

    Ah, found something this is only used since Enfold v5.1.
    However: Updated the header.php file in my child theme using the one from the parent theme now, enriched it with one line of code (see above) – unfortunately no change visible in the header layout.



    Did one of the following files change recently?
    I use those as well in my child theme:

    • class-breadcrumb.php
    • function-set-avia-frontend.php
    • loop-search.php


    You can check if something in your child theme is causing the problem by activating the parent theme. If the problem goes away after that, then something in your child theme is causing the problem.

    Best regards,



    It seems that this line of code in my functions.php causes the issue:
    add_shortcode('avia_search', 'get_search_form');

    Commenting it resolves the issue but also hides the search form I had in the header (left side of the language switcher).
    How do I add the search form in the Enfold header if not via shortcode?

    Thanks a lot,


    Nevermind – issue solved. Thanks.



    Great, I’m glad that you found a solution. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard and michaelH,

    Is there a known solution to this problem?
    I think I have the same problem.
    When I update the WP Version of our website above 6.4.4 the header search appears twice and at the wrong position.
    I also use add_shortcode(‘avia_search’, ‘get_search_form’); in the functions.php and the avia_search Shortcode is used in the menu.
    I also already tried using the header.php from the parent but that doesn’t change anything.
    michaelH can you share how you fixed the problem?

    The actual problem seems to be that the shortcode [avia-search] get loaded at the wrong position in the html. It actually loads outside of the li menu element

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by emilconsor.

    Hi Gerry,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site. We’ll close this thread for now.

    Best regards,

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