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  • #273407


    Enfold 2.8 is release since a few days now, but Enfold keeps telling me that “No Updates available. You are running the latest version! Great!”

    Of course, it is not.

    My Themeforest User Name and API Key are correctly set, checked with a direct call to the market place (link in private content).
    My WP is 3.9.1 MU french if that matters.

    I won’t update right now so I’ll be able to test anything you can think of.




    Have you tried doing it using the ‘Check Manually’ link?

    Best regards,


    yes, this link just send me to the WP updates, where I can find all extensions and themes updates… except Enfold…



    The only thing that it could be then would be an incorrect API or username. You can of course always update manually which is under 10 minutes to do and fairly simple.

    Take a look at this video on updating the Enfold theme via FTP:

    Best regards,


    Well, I know how to update manually, that’s what I do each time since the auto update does not work, it is a pain.

    As for the key and username, please check the link in the first message, you’ll see that it is correct (key and user name are copied/pasted), do you want a screen capture?

    What is “not” correct is the message “No Updates available. You are running the latest version! Great!”
    Even is there was an incorrect key or username, a sensible message should be “incorrect key or user name”, not that I’m running the latest version when I am not.

    So now, what could I do to have this theme update like all the other ones please?


    I have the same issue and I have the correct info.

    What to do ?



    The “Check Manually” method should work. Can you please create me an administrator account? post it here as a private reply.


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    The login link you posted is returning:

    You must log in to access the admin area.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Same issue here.

    I didn’t have any API keys, so I had to create one.
    In the web panel my Envato user name and API key are there. Still running 2.7 and no sign of a updated version, after running the manual check multiple times.



    @peterolle, i think this is happening because you have changed all the parent theme meta info (style.css, folder name, etc), therefore is not recognizing it as the “enfold” theme.

    can you please create me an administrator account? post it here as a private reply.

    Best regards,



    I’m running a child theme off of the Enfold Theme. Could that be the issue here?



    I see. The theme update should look for something like this: <?php get_template_directory_uri(); ?> and not a specific word. Where can I fix that ?


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by peterolle.
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    @liane i couldn’t test the manual update because the page returned this message:

    Vous n’avez pas les droits suffisants pour accéder à cette page.



    sorry, fixed


    @liane, manual update is working as expected:



    ??? I see it now, but I tried at least 10 times before???

    Well, thank you for your magic touch!


    @RobWu were you able to find the root of the issue? if not, can you please create me an administrator account? post it here as a private reply.




    I just re-added my credentials and API key in the Child Theme settings, and now I’m seeing the update for 2.8 appear.

    This will update the Enfold theme, and -not- the child theme, right? Just to be sure… ;-)



    Yes, that will update the Enfold theme.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for all this. You guys rock!!



    You are welcome, always glad to help :)


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