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  • #532437


    Every time I make changes and press update, everything would get deleted. I have tried to clear cookies, history, and cache and its has done it a few times now. I am currently using google chrome. It just started happening to me today. Please help.


    Hey Lanceezy!

    Try to deactivate all plugins and if that does not help try to delete all theme files via ftp and afterwards get a fresh copy from your themeforest account.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    I have deactivate all the plug in and it still didnt work. I will Download a new fresh copy from themeforest and give that a shot.

    Thank you.


    Hi Andy,

    I have tried all the steps nothing is working. I re installed wordpress 4 times and downloaded the enfold theme from the official site. I even tried a different browser and it still does the same thing. When im making changes then press update to save everything gets deleted.

    This has happen ever since after the update. please help ..



    I wanted to update you and let you know that I have tried clearing my cache using the method in one of the threads I found by hitting CTRL and F5 still didint work

    When I create a content or add new slides or make any changes once I hit update it doesn’t usually happen the first try but when you do it 3-4 times It deletes your contents and everything else.

    I am currently stuck and unable to work on make any sites at this time.

    Please help!



    Thanks for the details, on what page are you having this problem? Please make sure that you close all html markup added:

    <strong>Bold text closed properly</strong>



    Hi Rikard,

    So far I have only tried working on the home page only. I have not touch any other page yet.



    I get a 404 page when trying to login, not sure what’s going on there?

    Best regards,


    I’m sorry I am reinstalling please try again. I have tried with a regular wordpress theme updating content and saving changes and it saves. I only have problem with the enfold theme.

    please help.



    I the new enfold update has came out today. I updated the theme and still having the same problem. I would add a few text box and comments etc and hit update. It wont delete right away sometimes it would take 3-4 updates/saving for content to get deleted.



    has this problem been resolved? Please help. I have a few projects coming up and would like to get this resolve as soon as possible. I understand you guys are busy but I would kindly appreciate it.

    Thank you.



    What is the specific page you are having problems with and what changes are you trying to make? Please make sure that you are closing any added html markup properly as it might break the editor otherwise:

    <strong>Bold text closed properly</strong>



    Hi Rikard,

    I’m having problem with just the homepage now. Every time I would press update to save changes everything would get deleted. Even just adding new text block or other content without using any html code just adding new text blocks then press update after the 3rd or 4th time it would delete everything.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by immediasync.


    Can someone please help me resolve this issue? I’ts been about a week now and I have tried every method possible and nothing works. Every time I would add a new Content element and press update after the 3rd or 4th time it would delete everything.,

    Please Help !!



    Please post exactly what you are trying to add and we’ll add it for you, if there is a problem we’ll see what’s happening then as well.



    Hi Rikard,

    It doesn’t matter what I add if you just keep adding a new content element and press update do it for about 3 to 4 times you will see those contents will be removed



    Please provide us with backend access.
    Sometimes that can happen to WordPress based on the limit of php memory.
    Have you checked what is your limit there?

    Thanks a lot

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    I was reading about that and to be honest I am not sure. Should I contact my hosting provider? What would you recommend to change it to?


    Hi Basilis,

    I spoke with my hosting hostgator and they told me that the memory limit is 256mb for the shared plan that can not be changed.

    I have never had this problem until the new update either with wordpress or the enfold.

    Thank you.



    256mb should be enough so I don’t think the memory should be the issue here. I logged in to the backend of your site but I can’t see any pages, just an Hello World post. Did you delete the front page?



    Hi Rikard

    I have been uninstalling and reinstalling my wordpress site because thinking. That would solve the issue.



    Ok, so what were your results after doing that? Do you still have the same problems? We would need something to work with at least, so if you could provide us with a page where you know the issue is happening then we can try for ourselves to see what’s going wrong.



    Hi Rikard,

    I am trying everything I can almost giving up. I have tried it once more and its still doing it. I have not even publish the home page yet and when I am adding new content elements putting things together either preview change or save draft, everything gets deleted except for the Advanced slider thats it. Is this a browser issue? I am tried using internet explorer I am still getting the same error.

    I would say this error would have to be with the enfold theme, I am using other theme and have no issue with them.

    Its frustrating to not be able to resolve this issue even doing research throughout the forums I am not able to find anything. I would work on the site for about 30-mins to an hour once its near finish with just one page once I press preview, save draft, or update everything gets deleted.

    You’re more than welcome to log in and just mess around with it under pages/home.
    I am not sure if this is the cause of the wordpress update or the theme.

    Please help……

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by immediasync.


    You had an improperly closed Strong tag – as Rikard mentioned here –
    I turned on debugging mode and closed the tag correctly in debugging field and saved your page and none of the elements were deleted.

    Please review your website now

    Best regards,


    I am having the exact same problem! Was it the Improperly closed strong tag that caused your issue? Did the issue resolve when you corrected it?


    UPDATE: I closed all strong tags and put my shortcodes in the code box element instead of the text box and the issue still remains. On page update it deletes everything in the last row.


    CAUSE FOUND! – Admins Please Read.
    Issue found on 3.3.2 & 3.4.7

    For the past few months I have been having the issue of content being deleted when publishing/updating a page and I just now found the element that is causing it. The “Special Heading” element was on all pages that I was having the issue with. Regardless of whether or not I used tags or not, if I use that element then all hell breaks loose and my page content is deleted on every other page update. At this current time only everything under the Special Heading is deleted but before it was completely random.

    How I discovered this: When having the Special Heading on my page I began just adding/moving and removing content and then updating the page. Content is deleted almost every other time I click “update”. When I remove all “special headings” I began adding/moving content and updating the page every 30 seconds. I updated the page 50 times with absolutely no loss in any content. Once I added the special heading back into the page content was back to being deleted on every other page upload.

    Instead of using the special heading I just use a text box now with <h1>, <h2> etc tags to make my headings and I no longer have any issues at all.



    We will have to have a look at the page/post in question, please start a new thread and include admin login details in private. Please be as specific as possible to where the error is happening and how to reproduce it.

    Best regards,


    Please help!! I’m having the same issue. I have un-installed all new plugins and it is still happening. It happened on page titled “Easter” and “Austin” multiple times. It happens either when hitting “Preview” or after hitting “Update” and “View” then only the header remains. Some pages with Special Headings are fine while others are note. I’ve lost four days of work and am on a tight deadline for this site.


    Try changing your special headings to H1’s andnot H3’s for some reason H3’s always do that to me.

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