The spacing / gap in our Ubermenu changed from equal distribution to proportional allotment. How can i change it back to equal distribution.
When you select “Leistungen”, you see in the first row “Wohnen, Essen, Schlafen, Arbeiten” and then in the second row “Bautischlerei, Aussenbereich, Zulieferteile, Wellness”. I had two rows and 4 columns. Every column had the same width, now every column has a different width. What shall i do to get 4 columns with the same width (it seems “Wohnen” has the original width).
Our website:
Thank you for a quick help.
Hey wernerfriedl!
It seems like you switched to MegaMenu and i cannot see any issues with it –
Have you figured it out already? If not, please post a screenshot and show the issues you are seeing.
Hi Yigit,
i don’t even have MegaMenu installed. But when the menu looks like the PNG you attached, then everything is as it should be. I tested the behaviour i mentioned with Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer (all three browsers changed the gaps).
Can you please flush browser cache and refresh your page a few times. It does look fine on my end on Chrome, Safari and Firefox –