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  • #1362979

    Dear Team,
    Unless this ticking box is mandatory based on legal stuff, can you please halp me solve the issue in the contact page ? I already have a ticking box in the reservation grid ans I don’t want clients to feel obliged when they just wnat to send an emal.
    Thanks and regards,


    Oh, actually I thiink this box is necessary for the use a client makes of the website.
    I still would like to correct the link: it goes to Confidentuiality and not the Legal issue. How am I to do this ?
    Thanks :-)


    Thanks for the link to your page, isn’t the link in the check element field? You could change the URL there:
    If you don’t see this please include admin login in the Private Content area so we can be of more assistance.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Thanks, but the login didn’t work for me, I’m locked out now, perhaps try:

    1. Install and activate ” Temporary Login Without Password “.
    2. Go to ” Users > Temporary Logins ” on the left-side menu.
    3. Click ” Create New “.
    4. Add the email address for the account ( you can use (Email address hidden if logged out) ), as well as the ” Role ” making that the highest possible and the expiry about four days
      ( to be sure that we have enough time to debug ).
    5. Click ” Submit “.
    6. You’ll now have a temporary account. Please provide us here in the private section the URL, so we can login and help you out.

    When your issue is fixed, you can always remove the plugin!

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I tried to login again but it didn’t work.
    Please try creating a new login and password without spaces.

    Best regards,


    This website is in Greek can’t do anything


    Thanks for the feedback, I thought that for a different thread I had been able to log in, so I checked some of your older threads and found one that worked, please note that some letters in your user name and password are capitalized, this is important.
    Anyways, I found that this check box is added by the:
    Enfold Child Options du thème ▸ Confidentialité et Cookies ▸ Joindre un message de politique de confidentialité aux formulaires de contact issu du constructeur de page avancé ?
    Enfold Theme Options ▸ Privacy and Cookies ▸ Privacy Policy ▸ Attach privacy policy message to contact forms from advanced page builder?
    The default message links to your Privacy Policy page:
    Which is a special page set at: WordPress ▸ Settings ▸ Privacy ▸ Select a Privacy Policy page
    So without changing this special page, we can just add our own html to the Message under advanced layout editor contact forms to make it link to your legal page: /mentions-legales/
    I did this for you, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Dear Mike,
    Thank you very much for your double and precious help.
    So the Confidentiality policy problem is solved. And thank you for explaining the way you did it, so I can note that and apply it if the case represents.
    As for the connection problem, I wasn’t aware my name has a capital letter. I have been trying to check if the password does too, but I couldn’t find the page where it is spared. Can you please just tell me where it is, so to check it and copy the credential in my computer ?
    Thank you very much,
    Best regards,


    Glad to hear this helps, as for your ID and password, I was only able to find a working login by checking many of your past threads, because I recalled being able to login a while back.
    If you go to your profile page you can see the capital letter, screenshot below, but WordPress won’t show your current password, so please just note the capital letter for future reference.
    Unless there is anything else we can assist with on this issue, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thank you for your help and concern.
    So there is no way for me to see my password so as it is spared by the system ?
    Thanks again and regards,


    Correct, WordPress will not show you the password, perhaps there is a plugin that will show it to you, but I didn’t find one.

    Best regards,


    Thank your for your help.


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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