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  • #620752

    Hey there,

    somehow it is not possible to set the sidebar for the blogpage.
    I emptied all sidebars I don’t use and created two new ones in the widget panel, but that didn’t help.

    I tracked it down to the settings for the blog page. Somehow the sidebar settings for the blog page don’t take effect. It is possile to move the sidebar to the left in Theme options, but it is not possible to set an specific sidebar in the page edit of it.

    Please check on that.

    All the best,



    Hi Peter,

    You have Left Sidebar selected on that page in the Layout menu to the right on the edit screen, could you try to change it please?



    I actually need it on the left…
    If you want to test something, go ahead, login credentials were in the post before ;)
    This is not the actual site, so you can test, if you want to, because this one isn’t seen by public atm.

    All the best,




    First, you should set the front and blog page in the Enfold > Theme Options, not in the Settings > Reading panel. The sidebar settings should work after that.

    Best regards,



    you would need to search a plugin for such function.

    Best regards,


    @Ismael: Setting it in the Enfold Theme Options didn’t help. Tried 3 times. Do you have another idea? I really need to figure that out…

    : this problem is just with this theme. If I would need a plugin, why are there settings to choose from in the edit part of that page? doesn’t make sense to me o.O

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by webfreak1364.


    I can see the left sidebar now:

    Please remove browser cache or hard refresh the page.



    Hey Ismael.

    It has nothing to do with the side of the Sidebar, it has to do with the displayed Widget Area, so called “Company Pages” in that case. The standard Sidebar is displayed, even though I emptied it in Appearance->Widgets and even tough I changed the displayed sidebar to “Company Pages” in “Edit”.

    If you go to you will see the sidebar I want at the Blog too. This is kind of important, because I bought 6 licences and this theme will be used for one company but for 6 different countries, which should look the same.

    All the best,




    I see. Sorry about the misunderstanding. Once a page has been set as blog, it will automatically have a dedicated widget area called “Sidebar Blog”. You should add the custom menu widget there as well. To test this, we added a simple text widget. It is now displaying in the page:

    Best regards,


    Thank you, this works for me :D

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