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  • #196742

    I’ve been running into a very frustrating issue where, often times, when I save a text block, extra line breaks are inserted between paragraphs. It seems I have to manually remove the line breaks from the html side of the editor in order to resolve the issue. This can be time consuming on a long text block, and difficult for the client to deal with if they’re updating the site themselves. Are you familiar with this issue?



    Hi sky19er!

    You can disable the wpautop using this You can disable it manually, edit config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > textblock.php, find this code on line 61:

    $params['innerHtml'] = "<div class='avia_textblock avia_textblock_style' data-update_with='content'>".stripslashes(wpautop(trim(html_entity_decode( $params['content']) )))."</div>";

    Replace it with:

    $params['innerHtml'] = "<div class='avia_textblock avia_textblock_style' data-update_with='content'>".stripslashes(trim(html_entity_decode( $params['content']) ))."</div>";

    Best regards,


    OK, I installed that plugin. Do you know what I’m supposed to use — Textile 1, Textile 2, Markdown, nl2br, or No Formatting?



    I guess the safest option would be No Formatting.



    Well, that removes formatting from other elements. I tried all the other options — they all seem to have negative side-effects — mostly in terms of removing paragraphs where I actually need them.

    UPDATE: I’m finding that if I just ignore the extra line breaks being added, and hit the blue “Update” button, the extra line breaks go away! NIce!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by sky19er.
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